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How does Adspert work?
Best practices for using 2-goal optimization
PPC AI: How Adspert’s Algorithm Nails Bid OptimizationEstimated reading time: 11 minutes
What is a Second Goal and How Does it Work? (Enterprise Plan Only)
What is a "performance group"?
What is Conversion Delay?
Managing Decimal Numbers In Conversion Metrics (Monitor and Key Figures)
Optimization Settings: Complete Guide
What does Adspert change in my advertising account?
How Do I Grant Access to Retail Accounts? (Amazon Ads Only)
Where can I see Adspert’s bidding details?
Can I still change things on my campaigns and cpc biddings while using Adspert?
Does Adspert support bid adjustments?This article refers to Google Ads
Does Adspert set bid adjustment for placements?This article refers to optimization on Amazon
What is the difference between maximum CPC and effective CPC?
Why doesn't Adspert try to get all my ads at position 1?This article refers to Google Ads, Amazon, Microsoft Bing Ads, Ebay Ads
How does Adspert optimize remarketing campaigns?This article refers to Google Ads
How often is Adspert bidding on my campaigns?Adspert employs Intraday Bidding rules to automatically modify their bids throughout the day using hourly data.
When does Adspert pause a keyword?
How do I connect another advertising platform to my Adspert account? How do I add an Amazon Ads account for another marketplace?
When should I adjust goals or restructure Performance Groups?
Learning Phase is Over - Now What?
What is the Difference Between Daily Budget and Cost per Day Goal?
The changes I have made in my advertising platform are not seen in the Adspert user interface.
Which conversion tracking does Adspert use?
Is it mandatory that a conversion is always a sale?
Budget suggestions - Explanation to the table
Budget Suggestions - Does Adspert Automatically Adjust Daily Budget of My Campaigns ?
Does Adspert Create Campaigns for Me?
Which Time Zone Does Adspert Use for Timestamps?