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What is Criterion Hub?

Automate how Adspert adds your keywords, ASINs, and other criteria or biddable objects and save time.

Karin Hollstein avatar
Written by Karin Hollstein
Updated over a month ago

What is Criterion Hub?

Automate how Adspert adds your keywords, ASINs, and other criteria or biddable objects and save time.

Criteria stands for everything that can be bid on: keywords, products, categories, and so on. That’s why we named it Criterion Hub.

Criterion Hub is a set of three advanced features that empower you to fine-tune your campaigns. With Criterion Hub you can manage your advertising criteria (such as keywords, ASINs, and placements) or biddable objects with greater precision and control, bringing your automation to the next level.

The Criterion Hub comprises of three key features:

  • Rules,

  • Suggestions Review,

  • Products Ads Sync (Amazon Ads only).

One more important note: for the Criterion Hub features to work, your campaigns need to be in Adspert’s optimization. Meaning, they must be a part of an active (not paused) Performance Group. Why? The only way Adspert obtains permission to edit campaigns is through optimization. Adding a campaign into a Performance Group effectively gives Adspert the green light to change bids, as well as add or exclude criteria.

Let's explore the benefits and how every single feature works.

Benefits of Criterion Hub:

  1. High-Level Automation
    A complimentary service to our bidding AI algorithm is an automation that has as its core task to continuously harvest, refine and suggest the best criteria for your advertising accounts: keywords, ASINs and other biddable criteria for you to target. The only input that our advanced automation needs from you is to decide exactly how to add those criteria to your advertising campaigns – or not at all.
    Criterion Hub brings reviewing and adding criteria to your campaigns to the next level. In the Rules Simplified Mode (available in all plans), you can easily set how you want to add criteria suggestions with just a few clicks, streamlining your processes.

On the other hand, with the Rules Advanced Mode (Enterprise plan only), you can dive much deeper and bring your automation to the highest level. You have the flexibility to create custom rules and specify exactly how Adspert should add criteria to all your campaigns. Furthermore, you can craft rules at various levels, including platform, account, campaign and ad group, allowing you to fine-tune even the smallest details.

  1. Enhanced Flexibility:
    Criterion Hub offers two modes: the Rules Simplified Mode (all plans) and the Rules Advanced Mode (Enterprise plan only). In both plans, you have the freedom to easily review criteria suggestions. You can simply accept or reject all at once or review them one by one. The Rules Advanced Mode gives you the flexibility to specify precisely how to add the criteria and to which level. You can choose the level of granularity that aligns best with your campaign management preferences and PPC advertising strategy.

  2. Works with Your Existing Campaign Structure:

You can keep your existing ad campaign structure and don’t need to change anything to use Criterion Hub. Adspert adjusts to your needs, not the other way around. High-level automation lets you automatically and gradually grow your campaign structure.

Criterion Hub Features:

1. Rules

Rules serve as guidelines for Adspert on how to add or refine targeting criteria, such as keywords, ASINs, and placements, across your advertising accounts.

Rules feature has two modes:

  • Simplified Mode:
    This is the default view, and it allows Adspert to add qualified criteria based on three different actions: Review, Add, or Ignore. The selected action will apply suggested keywords, ASINs and other criteria or biddable objects to all elements of your advertising account (campaigns and ad groups). By default, the action is set to “Review” . This means all criteria suggestions are first presented on the Suggestions Review page and you need to approve them before Adspert implements them to your account.
    In the Simplified Mode, you can set actions for one, account level.

  • Rules Advanced Mode - Enterprise Plan Only:
    For a more granular and flexible approach, you can enable the Rules Advanced Mode – if you have the Adspert Enterprise plan. The Advanced Mode lets you thoroughly analyze and customize rules down to the smallest details to perfectly fit your specific requirements and Amazon strategy. Here you can specify your preferred actions for adding or refining criteria. You can delve even deeper and create filter or non-filter rules on platform, account, campaign, or ad group level. So: the Rules Advanced Mode gives you greater control over where criteria are added and how.

    Practical example: You would like to prevent adding keywords with a competitor’s brand name to any campaign or ad group in your ad account. In this case, you can create a filter rule at the account level. This rule will ignore all keyword suggestions contain the competitor’s brand name.

Rules Key Elements:

  • Choose Your Account:
    Easily select a specific account to view its criteria details.

  • Define Rules:
    Modify the preferred action for each account's criteria (Review, Add, or Ignore) in the Simplified Mode (all plans), or create custom rules on platform, account, campaign, or ad group level with the Rules Advanced Mode (Enterprise plan only).

Possible Actions:

  • Review
    Choose this option if you would like to first review the qualified criteria that Adspert identified for your accounts. You need to review them on the Suggestions Review page and decide which ones you would like Adspert to add to your accounts – or not.

  • Add
    Have Adspert automatically add all qualified criteria that meet our advanced automation’s thresholds directly to the platform.

  • Ignore
    Adspert will not suggest any criteria for your entire advertising account. If you go with this option, we strongly recommend you not to forget about it. Regularly find and add keywords, ASINs and other criteria to your advertising account.

Supported Criteria Per Advertising Platform

On the Rules page, you can find an always up-to-date list of all supported criteria and relevant campaign types. Both for accounts you already have connected, as well as all other platforms that Adspert supports. At the time of this article's release, Adspert supports the following criteria and campaign types:


  • Keywords (Sponsored Products Auto, Sponsored Products Manual, Sponsored Brands)

  • PATs (Sponsored Products Auto, Sponsored Products Manual, Sponsored Display)


  • Keywords (Search, Shopping)

  • Placement (Display)

  • Mobile Application (Display)

  • Youtube Video (Display)

  • Youtube Channel (Display)


  • Keywords (Search, Shopping)


  • Keywords (Promoted Listings Advanced)

2. Suggestions Review

With Suggestions Review you can manage and approve or reject all the criteria suggestions provided by Adspert. This feature goes beyond simple approval or rejection and enables you to edit destinations and save rules.

Suggestions Review Key Elements:

  • Global Selectors:
    Easily filter suggestions by source and destination Performance Groups, campaigns, or ad groups for a focused view.

Suggestions Tab

The Suggestions tab displays a collection of tables. Each table represents a source ad group. It starts with the title that reflects the entire source ad group’s hierarchy: platform, advertising account, followed by campaign and ad group name. After you locate the ad group you’d like to review, there’s many different columns with different kinds of information, all related to the criteria suggestions.

  • Active Suggestions:
    Review all relevant suggestions grouped by source ad group, ensuring you only see what's relevant to your accounts. From the Suggestion column you can also see the suggested action (addition or exclusion).

  • Quick Actions:
    Instantly accept or reject multiple suggestions to save time. At the same time you can still make adjustments before finalizing.

  • Performance Metrics:
    Access up to 4 performance metrics for each suggestion to help you evaluate whether you would like to accept or reject it. All metrics are aggregated over the last 30 days.

  • Rule:
    See what suggested action is in place as a Rule on how to add a criteria

  • Destination:
    From the Destinations column you can see where the suggestion will be added. You can also edit the destinations of your suggestions to better suit your campaign goals.

  • Save Suggestions as Rules (Enterprise plan only):
    This is your shortcut to create a custom rule with only one click! Save a suggestion's source and destination ad groups as a new rule for ongoing optimization.

Queue Tab

The Queue tab is where criteria waits to be submitted before it appears in the Log. The Queue table is a condensed version of the Suggestions table. In both tabs you find a collection of tables, each representing a source ad group. However, the main difference is that the Queue tables don’t include metrics.

What is the highlight? Queue tab is not view-only; you can also take different actions.

  • Accept
    You can still change your mind about (not) adding selected criteria. Mark the suggestions from the first column that you would like to revert and click “Undo Selection”.

  • Suggestion
    See the criteria suggestion with the suggested action.

  • Rule
    See what suggested action is in place as a Rule on how to add a criteria.

  • Destination
    From the Destinations column you can see where the suggestion will be added.

  • Actions
    One action is to Edit Destinations which works the same as on the Suggestions tab. Another option is to Undo your decision about a specific suggestion that you’ve accepted or rejected.

3. Products Ads Sync

The Products Ads Sync page is only available for Amazon Ads Sponsored Products campaigns. This feature keeps your Auto and Manual campaigns in perfect sync!

You only need to map out the ad group destinations according to your Amazon strategy. Specify which Auto ad group syncs with each Manual ad group and

Adspert does the rest! It keeps your ads and criteria relevant and up-to-date.

Products Ads Sync Key Elements:

  • Global Selectors:
    Similar to the Suggestions Review page, use the global selectors to easily filter your Performance Groups, campaigns, or ad groups by source and destination.

  • Source Ad Group:
    Identify the Sponsored Products Auto ad group that serves as the base for the product ads sync.

  • Destination Ad Groups:
    Choose Sponsored Products Manual ad groups to be synchronized with the source ad group.

  • Sync Modes:
    Select from two synchronization modes: "Add missing" and "Overwrite" to maintain optimal alignment between the source and destination ad groups.

Key Takeaway

Criterion Hub brings unprecedented control and efficiency to your criterion management. Furthermore it supports Adspert’s algorithm in ensuring your budget is spent most effectively. With its intuitive interface and automation features, the Criterion Hub can save you valuable time and resources and make sure you achieve remarkable results.

Should you have any questions or require further assistance, feel free to explore our Help Center for detailed guides and resources on using Criterion Hub effectively.

Happy optimizing!

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