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About eBay's Promoted Listings Advanced
How does Adspert optimize my Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns?
How does Adspert optimize my Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns?

This article refers to the optimization on Ebay

Margot Demeter avatar
Written by Margot Demeter
Updated over a week ago

Adspert sets CPC bids on keywords for campaigns that Adspert is enabled for optimization. The ideal bid will depend on each keyword’s performance, your strategy, your budget, and the market conditions.

When starting the optimization of a campaign with Adspert, it is best practice to work with a cost/day goal for the first 30 days. In order to define the right goal, choose the value that corresponds to your daily expenditure over the last 30 days. In this first period, Adspert will learn and collect data. This will allow Adspert to find the optimal bids and the right CRR (cost-revenue ratio). After 30 days, the target can be changed, e.g. to CRR.

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