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About eBay's Promoted Listings Advanced
Am I eligible to use Promoted Listings Advanced ads on eBay?
Am I eligible to use Promoted Listings Advanced ads on eBay?

This article refers to the optimization on Ebay

Margot Demeter avatar
Written by Margot Demeter
Updated over a week ago

You are only eligible for Promoted Listings Advanced (BETA) ads if you are an 'Above Standard' or 'Top Rated' seller with recent sales history on eBay.

Currently, Promoted Listings Advanced (BETA) is available for the US, UK, German, Austrian, and Italian markets.

eBay also has some restrictions when it comes to advertising products. Generally, all fixed price listings are eligible for advertising via Promoted Listings Advanced (BETA) ads, except for those in the following categories:

  • Wholesale & Job Lots

  • Cars

  • Motorcycles & Vehicles

  • Events Tickets

  • Property

  • E-Cigarettes

  • Vapes & Accs

  • Everything Else

For more information please refer to eBay’s article on Promoted Listings Advanced (BETA).

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