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About eBay's Promoted Listings Advanced
What is the difference between Promoted Listings Standard and Promoted Listings Advanced ads?
What is the difference between Promoted Listings Standard and Promoted Listings Advanced ads?

This article refers to the optimization on Ebay

Margot Demeter avatar
Written by Margot Demeter
Updated over a week ago

While both campaign types are very useful and it is beneficial for you to use them to increase the visibility of your products on eBay, there are some key differences:

Promoted Listings Standard

Promoted Listings Advanced (BETA)

Pricing Model

Pay per sale - you pay a fixed price per sale

Pay per click - you pay per click on your ad



Keyword control

Ad Placement

Across eBay (e.g. search, listings pages)

Top slot in search


Highest coverage

Highest visibility, targeting

You can combine both campaign types to reach maximum coverage on eBay.

Promoted Listings Standard ads are currently not supported for optimization by Adspert.

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