Notification - Bidding strategy changed

Optimization notification

Written by Bart
Updated over a week ago

In this article, Adspert provides more context to the notification of "bidding-strategy-changed". This notification triggers when the bidding strategy has been changed to your campaign(s).

The notification description

The bidding strategies of the campaign(s) we're optimizing have changed. For us to continue optimizing your campaigns smoothly, please set campaigns to manual bidding.

Conditions to trigger

This notification triggers when the bidding strategy has been changed to a different bidding strategy in the native advertising platform (Amazon Advertising, Google Ads, Bing Ads or Yandex Direct)


Adspert set the necessary bidding strategy it needs to function in the best possible way. This differs per advertising platform. If you change the bidding strategy, Adspert automatically changes it back to the necessary bidding strategy (Manual in Google & Bing Ads and legacyForSales in Amazon).

Our suggestion is to change the goals in Adspert instead of changing the bidding strategy. For instance, if you want to maximize your conversions, we suggest using set the cost/month goal in Adspert. You can use the following goals in Adspert which are similar to the bidding strategies in Google & Bing Ads.

Adspert Goals

Google Ads bidding strategy


Target cost per action (CPA)


Target return on ad spend (ROAS)


Maximize Conversions & Maximize Conversion Value

Cost/month (only available for click optimisation)

Maximize Clicks

You can use this strategy in combination with all the above goals

Enhanced cost per click (ECPC)

What steps to take?

Don't change the bidding strategies in the native advertising platform but change your goal in Adspert.

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