Deciding how to structure your Amazon Advertising campaigns can be overwhelming with countless options, combinations and approaches.
To help you out, I present four common ways to organize your Amazon Ads campaigns:
Let’s jump in!
1. By Product Categories
You can structure your advertising campaigns around product categories. This allows you to create specific ads for different product groups and allocate your budget accordingly.
For example, you can create separate campaigns for electronics, clothing or household products.
2. By Best-Selling Products
Another option is to create campaigns based on your best-selling products. By highlighting your bestsellers in separate campaigns, you can increase their visibility and drive more sales.
You can leverage your bestsellers in 3 ways:
Bundle bestsellers in a separate campaign together with other products to drive sales
Use high-converting keywords in bestseller product details
Sponsored Brands campaign for bestellers
2.1. Bundle bestsellers with other products to drive sales
One way to drive sales is to use your bestsellers as entry points for cross-selling related items or upselling higher-value alternatives, further increasing your revenue.
Here’s how:
Create separate campaigns and bundle your bestsellers with other products
Offer discount for the bundle
Promote non-best-selling items as add-ons or complementary products when customers purchase a best-seller.
Pro Tip: you do not need to create separate campaigns for child ASINs or variations of the products. After shoppers click the ad that promotes your bestseller, they will automatically see available variations.
For example, if “black hat” is your best seller, you don’t need a separate campaign with all other colors.
You can go even further:
Perform keyword research to pinpoint high-converting keywords
Set up a Sponsored Brands campaign
Keep reading to find out how.
2.2. Use top-converting keywords in bestseller product details
Conduct in-depth keyword research to identify relevant and high-converting keywords for your bestsellers.
Strategically incorporate these keywords into your product titles, descriptions and advertising campaigns to improve their searchability.
2.3. Sponsored Brands: bestsellers campaign
With a registered brand on Amazon, you can use Sponsored Brands ads to boost your visibility. These ads show your logo, a custom headline and several of your bestselling items.
They appear right at the top of search results, giving you increased visibility and brand recognition.
3. By Brands or Product Lines
If your business offers different brands or product lines, consider setting up individual campaigns for each. This way, you can customize your ads and marketing messages for each brand, helping you keep a consistent brand image on Amazon.
4. By Seasonal or Promotional Campaigns
Another approach is to set up separate campaigns around seasonal events or promotions. For example, Christmas, Black Friday or Prime Day. This allows you to present specific offers and messages tailored to each event.