Notification - Poor Performing Product

Product notification

Written by Bart
Updated over a week ago

In this article, Adspert provides more context to the notification of "poor-performing-product". This notification triggers when a product is performing below average.

The notification description

Poor performing product. A number of products are performing below the ad group average. Pausing the advertising for these products would redirect the budget towards better-performing products.

Conditions to trigger

This notification checks the performance of each product for the last 30 days and compares it to the ad group average. If the average ROI and CR are under 30% of the ad group average then this notification triggers. The notification shows the three worst-performing products.


When this triggers, we suggest that you have a look at the product and see if there might be something missing in terms of information that could explain this performance. If there might not be an explanation for this, we would suggest pausing this product, since Adspert would not allocate any budget to this anymore and could have a positive effect on the overall performance.

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