Notification - No MWS Access

General Notification

Written by Bart
Updated over a week ago

In this article, Adspert provides more context to the notification of "No MWS Access". This notification triggers for accounts that have no MWS (Marketplace Web Service) access. MWS enables programmatic data exchange for offers, orders, payments and more. This gives Adspert the ability to access much more product-related data, which is used for the optimisation and product management.

The notification description

Description: Since we don't have MWS access for your account, we are not able to use product price, description, and order-related data in our optimization process; which prevents us from further improving the results of your account. For better results, please provide Adspert with MWS access.

Conditions to trigger

This alert triggers when Adspert doesn’t have MWS access.

Why is this important?

This is important because for optimization we need as much data as possible. Hence, if the MWS connection isn’t established Adspert has less data for its optimization. The optimization will still work well, however with more inputs, it could potentially work even better.

What steps to take?

Please enable the MWS connection.

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